Putin’s Claim That Ukrainians Are Part of Russian Civilization Is Bogus – Here’s Why

This article discusses Putin’s contention that there is a Russian civilization that envelops Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians
based on a historical link to Kyivan Rus’. That contention is rebutted and the history of Ukraine is explored as a separate nation linked to Kyivan Rus.

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The History Behind The Formation Of The New Centre For Eastern European Democracy

The Center for Eastern European Democracy (CEED) was recently formed as a nonprofit in Toronto to promote liberal democracy in Eastern Europe.
The formation of CEED follows the path of earlier efforts in the West to help advance the cause of the rule of law and human rights in
the former Soviet Union and in the countries of Eastern Europe. Those efforts involved decades of hard work helping dissidents and
informing the public about what was happening in that part of the world. The role of CEED today will be similar in nature.

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