
Help us build this website, keep data up to date, organize discussions and work toward holding meetings with leaders.

Donations to CEED may be deducted by organizations as a payment to a nonprofit and therefore an expense. CEED will be applying for charitable status to issue charitable receipts to individuals who would like to receive an income tax eligible charitable donation. However, for the time being, it cannot issue such receipts, so individual donations will not be deductible for income tax purposes.

As you might imagine, keeping this website fresh with new information and fulfilling the mandate of CEED is costly. As you can imagine, CEED can only be as effective in fulfilling its mandate as the support it gets from its supporters. Make a donation and become a member of the Movement for Eastern European Democracy (MEED).

The Centre for Eastern European Democracy is a nonprofit organization.
You may make a donation by sending a check payable to “CEED”
to our address as follows:

Centre for Eastern European Democracy – 15 Viking Lane, Suite 607, Toronto, Ontario M9B 0A4.


By making a credit card donation at the website:
Your payment will be processed through Law Pay visa the myworkvisa site owned by Andy J. Semotiuk and you will be sent a receipt.
At this time we are unable to issue charitable tax receipts.